Changes to traffic patterns at the city entrance – Shazar Boulevard closed to private vehicles until the end of 2022.
As of Sunday, July 14, 2019 (11 Tammuz 5769), and for the next three years, Shazar Boulevard will be closed to private vehicular traffic in both directions.
Stay updated on the new traffic arrangements with the Waze and Moovit apps on your phone, and travel on alternate routes.
Enter the city via Highway 443 / Highway 1 and the Arazim Tunnel
Exit the city via Begin Highway and the Arazim Tunnel / Highway 443
We recommend that you use public transportation, the Light Rail and Israel Railways.

Major changes to traffic patterns at the city entrance – Shazar Boulevard closed to private vehicles until the end of 2022.
As of Sunday, July 14, 2019 (11 Tammuz 5769), and for the next three years, Shazar Boulevard will be closed to private vehicular traffic in both directions.
As of Thursday, July 18, 2019 (16 Tammuz 5769), the traffic signals will operate in a new configuration. Public transportation will operate as normal.
Stay updated on the new traffic arrangements with the Waze and Moovit apps on your phone, and travel on alternate routes.
Enter the city via Highway 443 / Highway 1 and the Arazim Tunnel
Exit the city via Begin Highway and the Arazim Tunnel / Highway 443
We recommend that you use public transportation, the Light Rail and Israel Railways.
Getting back to routine – September 2019: Program to upgrade the city’s traffic systems on Yitzchak Rabin Boulevard and the entrance to the city
From Monday to Friday, August 26-30, 2019 (25-29 Av), infrastructure works will be carried out to improve the traffic system and upgrade traffic lights on Yitzchak Rabin Boulevard. The works will be carried out at major intersections along the route during the day and throughout the night.
At night, work will be carried out to upgrade traffic lights at a number of intersections near the entrance to the city, and traffic will be rerouted by police and road crews. Roads will not be closed, and vehicular traffic will continue as normal.
Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard – new traffic patterns
On weekdays, traffic will be unable to turn left from Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard onto Rothschild Street or onto Yoel Zuman Street.
There will be no direct access to and from Netanel Lorch Street (in the direction of Bituach Leumi – National Insurance building and Binyanei Ha’Uma.
At the Mevaker HaMedina Street and HaNasi HaShishi Boulevard, the left turn lane will be widened to two lanes.
These road works are based on the findings of traffic studies carried out in the area since the closure of Shazar Boulevard to private vehicular traffic since mid-July with the goal of improving the flow of traffic on alternative routes beginning September 1.
Keep track of the new traffic patterns using the Waze and Moovit apps and travel on alternative routes:
Entering Jerusalem: via Highway 443 / Highway 1, the Arazim Tunnel
Leaving Jerusalem: via Begin Highway to the Arazim Tunnel / Highway 443
We recommend that you use public transportation, the Light Rail and Israel Railways.
Entering Jerusalem
Traffic will be redirected from Herzl Boulevard to Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard and from there to the rest of the city. Access to and/or from government offices will be unchanged throughout the period of the works. It is recommended to enter Jerusalem through the Arazim Tunnel, Highway 443 or the Begin Highway.
Leaving Jerusalem
Traffic will be permitted along Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard/Ben-Dor Bridge (Avraham Shapira) and from there to Herzl Boulevard to exit the city. It is recommended to use Begin Highway or exit via the city’s northern exit at the Golda Meir Interchange and the Ramot Interchange.
Machane Yehuda Market
Traffic to and from the market will be permitted without changes to the current traffic patterns. All traffic routes to and from the market for traders, suppliers and visitors will be accessible throughout the period of the roadworks.
Israel Railways Passengers
A pick-up and drop-off parking bay for passengers of the Israel Railways’ Yitzhak Navon Station is available with access via Herzl Boulevard, departing via the exit from the city towards Tel Aviv.
Worried about traffic jams? Ride a bicycle!
In January 2019, the Jerusalem Development Authority (JDA) inaugurated the linear park, “The Station-to-Station Bicycle Path,” part of the “Milton Ring,” a network of bicycle paths and promenades that will loop around the city. The project will link Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station to the Malcha Israel Railway Station via a system of commuter cycle lanes and pedestrian walking paths. The section which links Givat Mordechai and the Kraft Football Stadium in Sacher Park was recently opened, and in addition, the section of the bicycle lanes that runs along Ruppin Road to Kiryat HaLeom was also inaugurated.
During the summer of 2019, work will begin on the bicycle path named for Daniel Finzi which will link the Israel Museum to the Givat Ram (JDC) junction and the Generi Building. Following this, work will continue in the direction of Herzl Boulevard and on to the Central Bus Station.
In the meantime, enjoy the sections that are already open, avoid traffic jams, enjoy some healthy exercise and take in the breathtaking Jerusalem landscape.
Questions & Answers
For how long and until when will Shazar Boulevard be closed to traffic?
Shazar Boulevard will be closed to private vehicular traffic beginning Sunday, July 14, 2019 (11 Tammuz 5769). Towards the end of 2022, the route is expected to reopen with underground, grade-separated roads for private vehicular traffic on Shazar Boulevard and an underground parking lot with space for 1,300 vehicles. Public transportation will continue as normal.
What effect will the roadworks have on public transportation?
Public transportation will operate normally, apart from July 14-18, 2019.
How long will my journey take?
Due to road closures, travel times are expected to take longer than usual. We recommend you check with Waze before leaving home.
What alternative routes are recommended for entering and leaving Jerusalem?
We recommend driving on Begin Highway or Highway 443. In order to bypass the closed section, traffic will be redirected to Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard and from there to other parts of the city and the Sakharov Gardens exit towards Tel Aviv.
Will there be access to the Israel Post building by car?
Access will be possible from Herzl Boulevard in the direction of the parking lot of the Post Office building.
How can I travel from Tel Aviv to the Government Precinct?
We recommend that you park at the Fast Lane parking lot at the Shafirim Interchange (which is free of charge), and from there take bus line 100 which leaves every 20 minutes for the Government Precinct in Jerusalem. Another option is to take bus line 480 from the Tel Aviv – Savidor Train Station which leaves every 15 minutes to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. A third option is to take the Israel Railways train that leaves every half hour from Tel Aviv railway stations, changing trains at Ben Gurion Airport with an 8-minute wait.
Arriving in Jerusalem, you can continue on foot along Shazar Boulevard and the HaNasi HaShishi Boulevard. Average walking time is 15-20 minutes, or use bus lines 6, 9, 14, 66 or 68.
Where exactly is Shazar Boulevard?
Shazar Boulevard connects the Chords Bridge with the ICC Binyanei Ha’Uma – Nordau / HaNasi HaShishi Boulevard Junction.
How will pedestrians cross from the Central Bus Station and Railway Station to ICC Binyanei Ha’uma and the Government Precinct?
In addition to the Nordau Boulevard and HaNasi HaShishi pedestrian crossing and a pedestrian crossing on Herzl Boulevard, an additional pedestrian overpass and traffic lights will connect the Central Bus Station, the Railway Station and Binyanei Ha’Uma.
How do you get to the Binyanei Ha’Uma parking lot?
Events and activities at Binyanei Ha’Uma will continue as normal, and access to the parking lot is via Yitzchak Rabin Boulevard. From Rabin Boulevard, turn onto Weizman Boulevard (in the direction of the Bituach Leumi – National Insurance building and the bus parking lot), and from there turn right towards the rear entrance to the Binyanei Ha’Uma parking lot. We recommend that you use the Waze app.
For further information, please contact us!
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